Principal's Message

Tiffany Perry

Mrs. Tiffany Perry

Welcome to Port Barre Elementary school home of the "Lil Red Hots." Port Barre Elementary serves approximately 450 students from Pre-K through 4th grade. Our Goal is to provide as environment and educational experience that enables all students to become successful members of our community through consistent social and academic development. Our school's vision is "to develop attitudes, ideals, and skills which will prepare all students for college and careers."

     We at Port Barre Elementary follow a set of shared values that guide our beliefs about teaching and learning. We believe that all children can learn and deserve a safe satisfying, and successful school experience. We know that high expectations for student achievement combined with adequate support and intervention will result in academic proficiency and growth. At Port Barre Elementary, our focus is to help children learn and grow. To do this, our teaching and professional development must be intentional and purposeful. Cooperation, collaboration, and communication are an important part of our educational success. At Port Barre Elementary, we strive to be life-long learners. We believe it is important to model respect and foster a caring school culture where students feel valued and appreciated. Our students receive an intentional, focused education which combines research-based educational practices with high quality curriculum. Implementation and instruction is informed by weekly professional learning and collaboration amongst staff. Our Special Education program and school-wide interventions allow us to meet the specific needs of all students. Finally, we believe in building partnerships between school, home, and community. Through these shared values and beliefs, students experience an education that is profound and lasting.

     However, you as parents are the most critical part of our school's success. You take an active and crucial role in providing an atmosphere that promotes education and quality work habits. Your support provides the foundation for students to come ready to learn. I strongly encourage you to be an active part of your child's education by making sure they get to school regularly. Please ensure that your child reads every night. Academics requires practice, just like football, baseball, and dance. You will find your child's teacher is your best resource and I encourage you to build a positive partnership with them.

     Our community is extremely active and is supported by very caring and committed members. We are Proud of the efforts made by our children, staff, and parents. At Port Barre Elementary, we work together as a TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. As a TEAM, we know our school will continue to excel. We invite you to be part of this process, and experience the learning at Port Barre Elementary.

Your partner in education,

Tiffany Perry, M. Ed, Ed.S.        
