Principal's Message

Dear North Central High School Community,

It is with immense pride and responsibility that I serve as the Principal of North Central High. Our collective mission is powerful: "The faculty and staff will inspire all students to think, to learn, to achieve, to care, and to graduate college and/or career-ready." This statement goes beyond academics; it's about cultivating a holistic environment where every student thrives and becomes their best version.

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, and I have seen firsthand the transformative impact of dedicated educators on schools[1]. We are poised to create a school culture where every student feels valued, challenged, and prepared for the future. However, this mission is not just on the shoulders of our faculty and staff. It requires collaboration from all stakeholders, including our dedicated students, supportive parents, and the broader community.

In pursuing this mission, remember that our strength lies in unity and shared purpose. Together, we will achieve our vision for every student at North Central High.

Warm regards,

Dr. Esrom Pitre, Principal