Our goal at Grand Coteau Elementary is to create a positive school climate where students can learn and grow in a safe and caring atmosphere.
GCE uses Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Program (PBIS). School-wide PBIS is a systems approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for schools to build academic and social competence for all students. Through classroom lessons, assemblies, positive reinforcement, and role modeling, students will learn how to improve their communication and problem-solving skills. It is our goal to have all students strive to be contributing and conscientious citizens in our community.
Key Components of the PBIS Program:
• Prevention
• Define and teach positive social behavior
• Acknowledge positive behavior
• Arrange consistent consequences for problem behavior
• On-going collection and use of data for decision making
• Continuum of intensive, individual interventions
• Implement systems that support effective practices
The Expectations are outlined by the acronym LEAD:
Lead with the 7 Habits
Exhibit Safe Behaviors
Act Respectfully
Demonstrate Responsibility
These goals aim to improve the quality of our instructional programs by allowing teachers to teach and students to learn. To ensure an optimal learning environment, students and parents are informed through assemblies and notices sent home about the district, school grounds, classroom, and cafeteria policies.