Parent Resources
General Sites
Internet Do's and Don'ts Teaches basic rules for safe navigation of the Internet. This site also features links to homework and museum sites.
Internet Kids & Family Yellow Pages Recommendations for families that would like to explore the Web together.
National Parent Information Network Resources and information having to do with education-related topics, including testing. Arms parents with information to safeguard their children.
Parent's Guide to the Internet Provides basic information about how to use the Internet to find information and to communicate with others. Tips for using the Internet safely are included..
U.S. Department of Education: Publications for Parents This site provides a list of available education-related publications for parents.
Louisiana Department of Education
Family Fun
Homework Help
B.J. Pinchbeck Homework Help Homework help for students, teachers, and parent.
Homework Help From EduPlace
Homework Spot Sections for elementary, middle, and high school.
Infotrac Kids by Gale Group (Sponsored by the Louisiana Department of Education) THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE, all in one resource - 800 magazines, reference, criticisms, primary sources and more! The content is built upon award winning literary, science, history, and biographical databases, and it is a safe environment for students' use. Your child will need a password provided by his/her teacher.
Special Education
LD Online A good starting point for learning disabilities.
NICHCY National information center for children with disabilities.
A Parent's Guide to Helping Kids with Learning Differences This site provides information and resources for parents of children with learning disabilities.